We all strive to look and feel our best. Diet and exercise are the cornerstones of staying fit, but sometimes that is not sufficient. Now you have the answer:   BodyTite.

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is RFAL TECHNOLOGY (Radio-Frequency Assisted LipoTightening)

Transform yourself with BodyTite, a breakthrough body sculpting procedure designed to eliminate stubborn fat, smoothen cellulite, while simultaneously re-contouring and firming your body. BodyTite uses an advanced cosmetic technology called RFAL™ (Radio-Frequency Assisted LipoTightening) to offer you a safe, gentle and sophisticated body contouring solution. Dr Gordon Padovan has been trained by one of the leading Canadian Plastic Surgeons in the use of BodyTite, and is offering this breakthrough Radio Frequency skin tightening technology to Perth, Western Australia.

Please take a moment to watch the video below:

The Procedure:

A cannula is inserted through a tiny incision in an inconspicuous place.

Precisely directed high frequency electrical energy is applied to your treatment zone causing the fat to melt and your body to shrink in size.

Pre-treating the fat clusters using RFAL technology produces a gentle fat aspiration and significantly reduces bruising, swelling and pain compared to current lipoplasty cosmetic procedures. Precisely controlled heat from the RF will stimulate the skin and soft tissue to contract and tighten.

Post-procedure you will discover noticeable body recontouring and firming results.


Be assured of Your Safety:

Your safety is important to us. BodyTite and RFAL technology has undergone rigorous safety evaluations at state-of-the-art investigator sites, performed by respected and industry leading cosmetic plastic surgeons. International and nationwide feedback from clinical trials data have been monitored and analyzed by the research and development team to provide the ultimate in patient results. BodyTite has Health Canada clearance, ISO certification and CE approval, which demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of its cosmetic treatment.  BodyTite has Australian TGA and United States FDA approval confirming that it is a medically proven procedure delivering skin tightening results and not just another marketing hype for unproven cosmetic technology promising youthful skin.

Less Downtime:

BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed under local anaesthesia or light sedation rather than general anaesthesia. Depending on the extent of your body sculpting treatment, you may be a candidate for a walk-in procedure, allowing you to avoid the costs and downtime associated with overnight stays.

The pre-heating of the treatment area allows for gentle extraction of unwanted fat, resulting in decreased bruising and swelling. You may experience tenderness and soreness in the area, and most patients do not report a painful experience.

Look and feel like you’ve always wanted.

In patients with excess skin over the upper arm, (tuck shop arms ) bodytite produces results similar to the traditional armlift  but without the unsightly scar involving the entire length of the upper arm. With BodyTite you will see substantial fat reduction and body firming results in areas such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, arms, back and other areas of unwanted fat deposits. This can be a great option if you have skin laxity and do not want an excisional procedure or the lumpy irregular appearance commonly associated with traditional liposuction.

Fat Reduction:

BodyTite uses patented RFAL technology to gently melt and remove excess fat through an incision in an inconspicuous location. By pre-melting the fat, the removal is a far less traumatic process, greatly reducing post-procedural pain, swelling or discomfort. BodyTite will eliminate fatty deposits and provide improvements to re-contour your body and provide you with the most advanced uniform treatment in the market.
Body Tightening: One of the unique features of BodyTite is its ability to safely and precisely heat the soft tissue being contoured. This gentle and deep heating will lead to significant body tightening, often with soft tissue contraction of up to 40%.
Additional Benefits: Patients of BodyTite can benefit from a variety of improvements ranging from the smoother appearance of cellulite (CelluTite), treatment of the neck and jaw contour (NeckTite), high-definition abdomen sculpting, tightening of loose skin in smaller areas such as the arm (ArmTite) and many others.  Speak to your BodyTite provider regarding your tightening and fat reduction goals.


Body Sculpting that lasts

Achieve tummy tuck results without the scars! Many patients have end results that were previously only attained with more extensive cosmetic surgical procedures.
BodyTite can help you achieve permanent results bringing you closer to sculpting the body you always wanted. Most patients will see results immediately, with best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks. Results are patient specific and depend upon the treatment area and amount of fat removed. Larger areas will require a longer recovery time however, most patients find the recovery process very tolerable.

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